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#27 The ABCs of ESG in 2023 Thumbnail

#27 The ABCs of ESG in 2023

Amanda and Emily celebrate Earth Day with a discussion around green investing, which has started to become synonymous with ESG investing. We discuss: What does ESG investing really mean; How did ESG investments perform in 2022 compared to other investments?; ESG investing in the political crosshairs and the implications; and How Propel incorporates ESG investing for our clients.

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#25 Beyond DIY: How to Choose a Financial Advisor Thumbnail

#25 Beyond DIY: How to Choose a Financial Advisor

In this episode, Emily & Amanda discuss several ways to evaluate financial advisors before you decide to hire them. The recent Madoff documentary on Netflix, reminded us how easy it can be for investors to be taken advantage of. We want everyone to be aware of the research tools and simple questions to ask that can help you determine the best advisor for you.

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#23 Cheapest Is Not Always Best Thumbnail

#23 Cheapest Is Not Always Best

In this episode, Emily tells the story of working in a hardware store where customers who bought the cheapest hammer invariably returned to buy the nicer, costlier version. Emily and Amanda go on to dive deeper into how to evaluate the true cost of what we buy. They discuss how the concept applies to investments, and cover the pros and cons of indexes versus using more active investments. Sometimes what’s “cheap” ends up costing you more.

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