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The Flyer:

by Propel Financial Advisors

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Retirement Tax Buckets: Plant the Right Seeds this Spring Thumbnail

Retirement Tax Buckets: Plant the Right Seeds this Spring

Traditional retirement accounts like employer-sponsored 401(k)s are a large part of retirement savings, but there are benefits to using multiple account types. Contributing to accounts outside of your employer’s 401(k) not only gives you greater investment choice, but can free you from: age restrictions on withdrawals, administrative burdens of RMDs, and valuable tax flexibility.

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Propel's Response to the Recent Bank Run Thumbnail

Propel's Response to the Recent Bank Run

In light of the recent bank closures, advisors Amanda Vaught, JD and David Vaught, CFA created a short video explaining the recent bank runs on Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. They discuss:  The regulatory environment that led to their collapse, The FDIC response, What this could mean for the Fed hiking rates, and How we think investors should think of the recent news.

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Social Security Planning:  Why It Requires More of Your Attention Thumbnail

Social Security Planning: Why It Requires More of Your Attention

Social Security has gotten a lot of attention in the media recently. As a result, I answer questions from clients regularly that primarily ask, “Will Social Security exist when I retire?” The answer is yes, of course, for two main reasons: 1) The federal government owns a printing press for currency as was demonstrated spectacularly during the COVID crisis; and 2) the younger workers (which is a rather large group of people making more money than you did) are paying more into the system. Thus, it is important to be aware of the rules that surround your benefit. Too often, folks file for Social Security without doing any planning whatsoever. We cannot stress enough the importance of understanding how your benefit will impact you.

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Watch Out for the Bond Market Thumbnail

Watch Out for the Bond Market

Most financial media keeps their focus on the stock market, but the bond market can be a significant portion of an investment portfolio and a major driver of returns. This often overlooked asset has the potential to be exciting this year. The bond market turned heads in 2022 by putting up its worst year for returns since1926. One might think that means that bonds can only move up from here. But will they? To start, fixed income is paying income again! As the chart below illustrates, an increasing share of the bond market is paying north of 4% yields now. This is significantly more than we've seen over the past decade.

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Roth IRA: How to Maximize This Wonderful Tool in 2023 Thumbnail

Roth IRA: How to Maximize This Wonderful Tool in 2023

In 2022, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Roth IRA account type. We recommended them to clients for the entirety of their existence because of their potential for excellent tax savings and liquidity. It was an uphill climb for a very long time; but after years of pontificating, we finally see a general recognition of the account type and a new interest in utilizing it among our existing and prospective clients. Unfortunately, for the first time in the history of the Roth IRA, Congress is threatening to create new restrictions. This makes it even more important to include Roths in your retirement planning sooner than later.

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Be the Early Bird: Sometimes It Makes Sense to Withdraw IRA Funds Sooner Thumbnail

Be the Early Bird: Sometimes It Makes Sense to Withdraw IRA Funds Sooner

Most of our clients who read this blogpost title are thinking, “Where is Danielle, and what have you done with her?” Before I answer that question, let’s go over a few terms you need to keep in mind while reading this blogpost: Pre Tax Savings: Retirement accounts like Traditional 401ks and IRAs where contributions (deposits) were not taxed by the IRS. Instead, taxes are assessed on future withdrawals. SS: Short hand for Social Security Income Roth IRAs: Retirement accounts where the contributions are taxed before they are deposited. Those deposits and their earnings, if all rules are followed, are tax free upon withdrawal. Taxable Brokerage Accounts: Nonretirement accounts like bank checking, savings, and brokerage accounts that allow post-tax deposits and are taxed only on the earnings in the year in which they are received.

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