News From the Control Tower - 5/26/2021
News from the Control Tower: Our weekly curated list of news stories affecting you and your finances.
This week’s reads include:
1. Electric F-150 Has Unusual Perk: Ability to Power a Home
Ford says it would keep a house going in a blackout for about 3 days
Six American families open their doors — and their wallets — to show us how much life costs.
3. The Hidden Cost of Cheap Fashion Could Catch Up to Investors
Shareholders are beginning to tune in to the environmental damage caused by throwaway fashion, even as consumers continue to shop
4. ‘The final straw’: How the pandemic pushed restaurant workers over the edge
Conway is one of the millions of workers who left the restaurant industry during the pandemic and haven’t come back.
5. What Does Bitcoin Volatility Mean for Other Assets?
Here are four crucial questions about crypto contagion.
Bonus: The Next Battle of the Alamo!
Is Phil Collins’s legendary Texana collection everything it’s cracked up to be? An adapted excerpt from ‘Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth.’