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News From the Control Tower - 12/1/2022 Thumbnail

News From the Control Tower - 12/1/2022

News from the Control Tower: Our weekly curated list of news stories affecting you and your finances.

This week’s reads include:

1. Jerome Powell Signals Fed Prepared to Slow Rate-Rise Pace in December

Fed chair says a labor-market slowdown will be needed to bring inflation back to the central bank’s 2% target

2. Meet the Man on a Mission to Expose Sneaky Price Increases

Edgar Dworsky has become the go-to expert on “shrinkflation,” when products or packaging are manipulated so people get less for their money.

3. Lean in? Maybe not. Women leaders fare the worst when it comes to retirement savings

Women have less at retirement, especially female leaders

4. How stores ended up with too many (wrong) clothes

Remember when we couldn't get enough athleisure or pajamas?

5. Better late than never! Take it from these late bloomers who followed their dreams

When it comes to creating the life you want, it's better late than never.

Bonus: For those needing a dose of wanderlust, try the next chapter of McKenzie Barney and partner’s cycling journey from Cairo to Cape Town.