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#51 After the Glory Days: Post-Olympics lessons in personal finance Thumbnail

#51 After the Glory Days: Post-Olympics lessons in personal finance

Emily and Amanda discuss what we can learn about personal finance from the recent summer Olympics in Paris. One thing about athletes is that they know there will be a peak performance and that they’ll have to adjust their career afterwards. What about regular people? Most don’t recognize when they’re at their peak earning potential. Life happens – you have a baby, you lose a job, you burnout on your career. We might not know when we peak, but we do know that if you are a high earner, you may not stay one. If you plan now for when life throws a monkey wrench in the works, then you’ll be better able to pivot when the change comes.

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#50 Midyear Market Insights Part 2: the Fed & the Economy Thumbnail

#50 Midyear Market Insights Part 2: the Fed & the Economy

Emily and Amanda discuss some major market themes in 2024. Next in our series: The Fed and the economy Inflation has fallen this year, with the most recent readings falling below expectations. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate keeps creeping up. The Fed has a dual mandate on inflation and employment: will the long-awaited rate cut happen soon?

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#49 Midyear Market Insights. Part 1: NVDA & AI Thumbnail

#49 Midyear Market Insights. Part 1: NVDA & AI

Emily and Amanda discuss some major market themes in 2024. First up: Nvidia and AI: The returns in Nividia and other AI stocks have been astronomical this year. Emily & Amanda lay out how we, as financial advisors interpret and apply the news. They discuss: - Comparisons to the dot-com bubble and whether they’re warranted - Portfolio concentration and risk - Recognizing the feelings of FOMO that can lead to imprudent behaviors

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#47 Timeless Troubles: Tackling Five Ever-Present Personal Finance Challenges Thumbnail

#47 Timeless Troubles: Tackling Five Ever-Present Personal Finance Challenges

This week, fellow advisor Danielle Woods joins the podcast. Danielle draws on her 26 years of experience as a financial advisor to discuss the five most common issues she sees clients struggle with. They are: 1. Focusing on an isolated issue rather than the whole picture. 2. Balancing paying off debt vs savings 3. Being proactive and speaking with your advisor before taking action 4. Preparing for death (legally and financially speaking) 5. Working on their budget Additional resources: During our discussion Danielle referenced a webinar that we hosted that goes through the elements of estate planning. Navigating the Dark Cloud: Planning Before and After a Loved One's Death

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#46 Ten Tax Season Takeaways 2024 Thumbnail

#46 Ten Tax Season Takeaways 2024

In this episode, Emily and Amanda reflect on tax season 2024. When preparing tax returns, Emily and Amanda see recurring themes across clients. They discuss their top ten issues they saw taxpayers struggling with in 2024.

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