Propel's 2022 Holiday Gift Guide
Propel's 2022 Holiday Gift Guide
Personal Finance Books
We love educating people about personal finance and investing. Help share the gift of financial literacy with a great book on personal finance.
1. Trillion Dollar Triage by Nick Timiraos
The Fed’s actions in 2022 drove so much of the market movement in – in both the bond and stock markets. How did we get here? Mr. Timiraos tells a great story of how the Fed responded during the Covid-19 shutdowns, and how they averted a financial crises. The better you understand the Fed, the more you’ll appreciate what is happening in today’s financial markets.
2. Cashing Out: Win the Wealth Game by Walking Away by Julien and Kiersten Saunders
The Saunders discovered personal finance through the FIRE (financial independence retire early) movement. We find that most people aren’t able to adopt some of the more extreme FIRE recommendations, but almost everyone could benefit from being more conscientious about how they save and spend their money. The Saunders target their book towards the unique experiences of African-Americans, but we feel any person could benefit from most of their advice. We love their approach of playing their own game instead of somebody else’s.
3. Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss
Negotiation is a great skill applicable to all areas of your life. From buying a car, requesting a raise, or even navigating finances with your partner – all require negotiation. Renowned negotiator Chris Voss built his skill through years as an international hostage negotiator for the FBI. While our day-to-day interactions are less loaded (hopefully!), we can all benefit from some increased knowledge of emotional intelligence and intuition.
Help a friend or family member save time and money
Discount programs make great gifts.
1. AARP or AAA
AARP members enjoy an incredible number of benefits, no matter their age. (There are age requirements for certain insurance discounts). An annual membership runs $16.
The Wall Street Journal even featured an article on how 20-somethings were taking advance of access to discounts - The Newest Card-Carrying Members of AARP: 20-Somethings.
Another gift-able discount program is AAA. A classic membership is $59.99.
2. Warehouse stores
Stores like Costco and Sam’s Club charge an annual membership fee. Both offer annual memberships as a gift option.
3. TSA Pre-Check
Help that traveler who always means to get TSA pre-check, but just never does it. The current fee is $78. (Note that you can’t directly pay the fee, just offer to cover the cost with cash or your credit card.)
529 Accounts
A perennial recommendation is to skip the toys and give a child the gift of a deposit into their 529 account.
The benefits of an education last a lifetime. With a 529 account, the beneficiary enjoys tax-deferred growth and tax-free distributions for qualifying education expenses.
One option is to let your friends and family know that your child's 529 plan is open to accepting gifts. Each state offers its own 529 plan, so the how-to of gifting varies depending on the state. For example, New York offers a gift code you can share. Illinois's 529 plan offers instructions here on giving a 529 gift.
Another option is to simply open a new account, and name the beneficiary you chose (and keep the potential tax deduction to yourself!*)
Next, take advantage of one our free, printable gift certificate templates to accompany your 529 gift:
Download PDF HERE
Download PDF HERE
Download PDF HERE
*Please note, the gift ideas are for informational purposes only and are not recommendations. Please consult with your tax advisor on the tax implications of any financial gift. If you would like guidance on which type of account is right for you, please ask us.
Check out 2021’s Gift guide here.