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Join us for a Free Webinar

Summer Money Vibes

with Propel Financial Advisors

Register Here

This summer we’ve seen clients (and experienced ourselves) a lot of feelings about finances and the markets. For example:

-     It feels like the market is getting better

-     It feels good to get a better interest rate in my savings account

-     It feels like a good time to pay off my mortgage.

Yes, feeling and sentiment can have an impact. But as financial advisors, we like to dig into the numbers to uncover what’s really going on.

Join us at our upcoming webinar as we delve into:

1.    It might feel good to pay off a debt like a mortgage, but does this make sense when we look at the numbers?

2.    The bond market is paying income again. This feels great, but is it the right move for your dollars?

3.    How we’re feeling moving into the final quarter of the year.

Join us on Thursday, August 24 from 2pm – 3 pm Eastern. We'll dig into some numbers at this webinar and see if our feelings line up with what's really going on.

Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023

Time: 2pm ET/1pm CT

Location : Zoom

Register Here

The webinar will include a Q&A session.  We encourage you to submit questions in advance to info@propel-fa.com.

We hope you join us as we provide you with tools to approach your finances. This event is open to all. We encourage you to invite friends, family or colleagues whom you feel may like to participate.

*If this time does not work for you, please go ahead and register and we will send you a recording to watch at your convenience.