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Join us for a Free Webinar

New Year, New Strategies:

Rethinking Your Savings Plan

Register Here

Hello and Happy New Year!

For 2021, we want you to make a change for the better. Saving for retirement requires more than wishful thinking. You must take deliberate steps to make a change. Let us help you maximize your retirement savings by taking advantage of updated investing strategies and changes to the tax laws.

Save your dandelion wishes for more magical dreams, and join us as we give you the tools to purposefully plant the seeds for a more fruitful future. 

Our team is hosting a webinar detailing new strategies for your savings on January 27th at 3:00 pm EST, “New Year, New Strategies: Rethinking Your Savings Plan”.

In this webinar we will cover the impact of recent legal and tax changes on your use of retirement accounts like 401(k)s for your future financial security, including:

(1) Moving beyond the 401(k) with Danielle Woods - Savings account options and the impact of the Secure Act on changing recommendations;

(2) Incorporating tax planning with Emily Agosto - 401(k)s do not make sense for everyone;

(3) Making behavioral finance work for you with Amanda Vaught – It’s not about what you know, but the actions you take; and

(4) Analyzing restricted asset choice with David Vaught - limited asset options can have a long-term impact on your future.

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Time: 3pm ET/2pm CT

Location : Zoom

Register Here

The webinar will include a Q&A session.  We encourage you to submit questions in advance to info@propel-fa.com.

We hope you join us as we provide you with tools to approach your finances. This event is open to all. We encourage you to invite friends, family or colleagues whom you feel may like to participate.

*If this time does not work for you, please go ahead and register and we will send you a recording to watch at your convenience.