Everybody benefits from good financial advice. A 2019 survey from the National Financial Educators Council estimated that money mistakes cost Americans $1,230, annually, on average. (And those were just the mistakes they were aware of!) Ask yourself: When it comes to financial advice, Do you have an engaged copilot, or do you prefer to coast along on autopilot?
Our team is hosting a webinar to address these approaches on September 30th at 3:30 pm EST, “Co-pilot or Autopilot: Who is Navigating your Financial Plan?”
In this webinar we will cover the pros and cons of each, including:
(1) Social Values Investing with Amanda Vaught - How and whether to incorporate your social values into your investment portfolio;
(2) Growth Stocks with David Vaught - How to incorporate growth stocks while balancing risk;
(3) Making your Money Work for You with Danielle Woods – It’s not about what you have, but how you plan with it; and
(4) Save Now, Owe Later? with Emily Agosto - The potential tax implications of the types of retirement accounts you choose.
Propel Financial Advisors works with individuals and small businesses to take advantage of all benefits available to you.
The webinar will include a Q&A session. We encourage you to submit questions in advance to info@propel-fa.com.
We hope you join us as we provide you with tools to approach your finances. This event is open to all. We encourage you to invite friends, family or colleagues whom you feel may like to participate.
*If this time does not work for you, please go ahead and register and we will send you a recording to watch at your convenience.